Super Hero Party Ideasfor Boys

Planning a Kids party can be fun and a little stressful. Organization will take any of the stress out of the planning. The first step is to make a check sheet so to make sure not to miss anything. The list should include:

·         Decide On A Theme
·         Invitations
·         Cake
·         Decorations
·         Goody Bags
·         Games
·         Other Activities
·         Food

Next, decide on a theme for the party. The birthday child will probably have a theme in mind. If not, discuss with them to come up with one, such as a fairy party. Decide on how many children will be invited. Making invitations can be fun and make them special for the children receiving them. On the other hand, buying invitations will make it easier for the planner of the party. Order the cake in the party theme. Decorations, like the invitations, can be bought or made. Goody bags are little plastic bags with candy and small prizes for each child who attends the party. The games played should go along with the theme. Other activities could include crafts, bouncing houses, jump rope hula-hoop. If there is going to be food besides the cake it should be kept simple for the host based on the number of people attending.

Some fairy party ideas include costumes, pin the butterfly or wings on the fairy, crafts making fairies, flowers or butterflies. The goody bags could include rings, fairy wings, candy, gum, hair decorations and bracelets. Food could include cookies, ice cream, chips, pretzels and other finger foods. For boys there are superheroparty ideas. One idea is to have each child attending to dress in its favorite super hero costume. The cake can be in the shape of the birthday boy’s favorite hero. Games and other activities could include coloring books, pin mask on super hero, ring toss, corn hole or races. In the summer months, water games would be a great idea for both girls and boys.

For more information click on this link #superheropartyideas.


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